Water Solutions
Our experience providing water solutions and services is unrivaled. Our PM/CM, engineering, design-build, hydrogeology, modeling, and 3D/4D visualization expertise, combined with our innovative solutions such as our state-of-the-art treatability and R&D laboratory, have helped us deliver holistic and cost-effective solutions to some of the most complex water projects in the world.
Innovation, Insight, And Advocacy
Our decades of experience with predecessor contaminants have allowed us to quickly develop a multi-disciplinary approach to investigating, managing, and mitigating Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) contaminants. As the legal and regulatory landscape continues to evolve, our teams are at the forefront of research to better understand, manage, and mitigate this emerging contaminant. Known to impact a variety of markets, we have experience across a range of industries.
PFAS are a multi-faceted issue requiring a multi-disciplinary approach, and our team includes a network of technical professionals around North America with expertise in hydrogeology, human health, ecological risk assessment, water and wastewater treatment, remediation, and modeling. This combination gives our clients the right mix of practical innovation, insight, advocacy, and technology needed to manage, remediate, or treat PFAS sites.
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Sediment Remediation
Cleanup And Restoration Of Complex Waterways

We led the feasibility study, design, construction, and O&M for the Onondaga Lake Superfund Site in New York and continue to provide long-term monitoring services to ensure the remedy is functioning as intended. Our work at Onondaga Lake is helping revitalize what was once called the “most polluted lake in the United States” and turning it into a recreational hub for the local community.
We have decades of experience investigating and remediating contaminated sediment sites and restoring damaged natural resources. We were the driving force for two of the largest sediment remediation projects completed to-date in the United States at the Onondaga Lake and Hudson River Superfund Sites. We have also worked on numerous other sediment sites including Cherry Farm, Geddes Brook/Ninemile Creek, Berry’s Creek, and Lower Genesee River.
Contaminated sediment sites pose complex regulatory, financial, legal, logistical, and technical challenges – and Parsons’ multidisciplinary team is equipped to support our clients from initial investigation to final remediation and site closure. Our sediment experts have extensive boots-on-the-barge investigation, design, and construction experience, providing a thorough understanding of the remediation process for multiple federal, state, and local regulatory frameworks that leads to practical and cost-effective solutions through every phase of the project.
Our sediment investigation and remediation services include:
We led the feasibility study, design, construction and O&M for the Onondaga Lake Superfund Project in New York, one of the most complex sediment sites ever remediated.
Sediment remediation projects pose complex regulatory, financial, legal, logistical, and technical challenges – and our interdisciplinary team is ready to support from initial investigation to final remediation and site closure. By beginning every project with the end in mind, we successfully achieve client and regulatory goals efficiently and effectively.
Our experts employ a customized total solutions approach to each project, developing and implementing closure strategies based on intelligent investigations, human health and ecotoxicology studies, and risk assessments – while maintaining the highest levels of safety and cost-effectiveness.
Our sediment remediation and management services include:

Site Characterization
From custom-built porewater passive samplers and sediment sampling in challenging environments to extensive habitat surveys and biota sampling, Parsons has done it all. Beyond our proven site investigation capabilities, our site characterization expertise involves a wide range of services including human health and ecological risk assessments; contaminant nature and extent evaluations; and NAPL mobility evaluations in rivers, lakes, and estuaries. Our emerging contaminants experts are actively engaged in developing solutions for remediating per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in anticipation of sediment regulations for these ‘forever chemicals’. Learn more about our PFAS Solutions.
Treatability Studies
The state-of-the-art Parsons treatability laboratory in Syracuse, New York can perform treatability studies to support dredged material stabilization/solidification, sediment dewatering and water treatment, cap amendment material testing, in situ solidification/stabilization (ISS) testing, and innovative technology development for our sediment remediation projects. Our treatability laboratory also conducts self-funded, internal research and development to better prepare us for the next frontier in sediment remediation, such as PFAS.
Remedy Selection And Design
Team of sediment experts have extensive experience with a variety of remedial technologies including dredging, capping, in situ treatment (including ISS), monitored natural recovery (MNR), and enhanced MNR working under all types of federal, state, and local regulatory frameworks. This allows us to develop implementable and cost-effective remedies that meet or exceed client, regulatory, and stakeholder goals. We have completed numerous feasibility studies with extensive remedial technology screening and alternatives evaluations, remedial action objectives and cleanup goal development, and detailed cost analyses. Our multidisciplinary design teams can provide detailed design services for all remedial technologies mentioned above including geostatistical contaminant delineation, dredge prism design, chemical isolation modeling and design for amended and unamended caps, sediment dewatering and treatment design, beneficial use, and habitat restoration design.
Construction And Construction Management
We extensive experience with sediment remedy construction services, including self-performed construction and construction management and oversight. We provide a full suite of construction services including construction verification and QA/QC; dredged material treatment, handling, and transport; implementation of engineering controls such as sheet pile walls and turbidity curtains; procurement of skilled labor from local unions and communities with environmental justice concerns; odor, emissions, and water quality monitoring during construction; and closeout reporting.

Long-term Monitoring And Maintenance
Our sediment experts can develop and implement cost-effective, technically robust programs for baseline and long-term monitoring to evaluate achievement of remedial goals and habitat restoration metrics. Our monitoring programs are developed with site closure in mind and often include multimedia sampling and surveying techniques.
Water Treatment And Reuse
A Clear Choice For Water
As a full-service partner in implementing conventional and advanced water and wastewater treatment technologies, we help solve water management challenges with innovative, custom solutions. Our mission is to help preserve water – our most critical resource – by creating and maintaining safe, efficient, and sustainable water facilities and processes. Our expertise in program and construction management (PM/CM) and engineering have helped us transform the industry through some of the most complex water and wastewater projects in the world.

Conventional And Advanced Technologies
Our world-class water and wastewater services include:
Water Resources
Our expertise involves a wide range of services, from availability studies to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting, wetlands delineation, and coastal restoration
Covering all aspects of storage, treatment, conveyance, and membrane treatment systems, including desalination, we deliver innovative solutions to meet our clients’ needs.
Wastewater And Water Reuse
Clean water is essential, and we help keep it that way through sewers, pump stations, and wastewater treatment plants, as well as a range of advanced processes in liquid and biosolids treatment and handling.
Industrial Wastewater
Industry produces wastewater, and our job is to ensure that it’s handled correctly, and without harming the environment. From engineering and construction services to detailed design and construction management, we offer state-of-the-art technology and solutions to the oil and gas, chemical, petrochemical, manufacturing, and life-science industries.
A Leading Research Facility
Our Water Treatability Lab in Syracuse, New York has spearheaded water treatment and process research for more than 30 years, and our experts have built recycled wastewater treatment plants with membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology, constructed advanced ultraviolet (UV) disinfection facilities, and used reverse osmosis (RO) processes to transform saline water into clean, drinkable water.
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Groundwater Remediation
Delivering Advanced Groundwater Analytics
Our water experts deliver advanced groundwater analytics, using the most advanced data collection tools and high-resolution characterization programs to transform site data into quantified solutions to address groundwater challenges from simple to complex.
Our team implements a wide spectrum of mathematical tools including simplistic self-derived algorithms, analytical models, analytical element models, and numerical models (finite difference and finite element), focusing on:
- Aquifer system evaluation
- Vadose transport modeling
- Hydrogeologic conceptual models
- Groundwater flow and solute-transport modeling
- Fate and transport of contaminants
- Plume migration control
- Natural attenuation monitoring and demonstration
- Groundwater remediation system design, including effective and efficient injection system
With hydrogeology and engineering experts at the ready, our team understands fundamental, natural processes as well as data collection methodology. Our wide-ranging solutions give customers a technical advantage when building, calibrating, and utilizing groundwater models, leading to quantified comprehensive decision making for complicated saturated and unsaturated mathematical subsurface modeling.
A leader in providing full-service groundwater solutions, our team developed the first full-scale groundwater treatment system for the microbiological destruction of 1,4 Dioxane in groundwater, which has been operational for more than 16 years.
Setting The Vision With Interactive Tools
We develop and implement cutting edge visualization techniques that allow for the effective display and communication of modeling results and quantification. We understand that a correct model is only as good as our ability to successfully articulate results to the regulatory community, the public, and other stakeholders.
Our expert hydrogeology team is advancing 3D and 4D visualization modeling with the most advanced augmented reality and virtual reality (AR and VR) platforms for science, engineering, remediation systems, and hydrogeological models. These sharable models enable the user to interact with the virtual model space, change parameters, and evaluate future states of design development—in real time.
Our advanced visualization modeling team is composed of a collaborative group of engineers and scientists who combine the best practices of engineering design with software development, AR/VR content migration, and end-user functionality/use. This unique team has several models that are being migrated to AR or VR as demonstration projects or as project applications.
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