Westside Purple Line Extension Section One — Los Angeles, CA

- Los Angeles Metro
Project Value
$1.6 Billion


Design And Urban Planning, Engineering

Los Angeles Metro’s Westside Purple Line Extension Section 1 project is the first of three sections along the new 9.1-mile subway corridor. Section 1 extends the subway 3.92 miles, starting at the existing Wilshire/Western station and ending in Beverly Hills. Section 1 will consist of three new stations constructed along the alignment. The permanent underground structures include stations at Wilshire/La Brea, Wilshire/Fairfax, Wilshire/La Cienega, and a transition structure at Wilshire/Western. Our role in the project continues as the prime designer for the design-build team and design engineer of record (EOR).
Purple Line Extension Section One Nearing Completion
The overall project construction is currently 91 percent complete. Tunneling of the twin-bore tunnels was completed in May 2021, and both tunnel boring machines have been disassembled and removed from the tunnel. Construction of all tunnel crosspassages has been completed, and tunnel work is now focused on installing the third rail and electrical gear.
La Brea, Fairfax, And La Cienega Stations: Street Restoration Underway
Station construction is also ongoing. The structural concrete for the entrance and emergency exit structures is nearly complete. Internal room build-outs, elevator and escalator installation, MEP, and systems work are also progressing at each station. All temporary street deck panels used on the project have been removed, and final street restoration work along Wilshire Boulevard continues at the La Brea, Fairfax, and La Cienega stations. Street improvement work includes new pavement, bus pads, curb and gutter, lane restriping, street lighting, and traffic signals.
- Photo Courtesy Of LA Metro
- Photo Courtesy Of LA Metro
- Photo Courtesy Of LA Metro
- Photo Courtesy Of LA Metro
- Photo Courtesy Of LA Metro
- Photo Courtesy Of LA Metro
- Photo Courtesy Of LA Metro
- Photo Courtesy Of LA Metro
- Photo Courtesy Of LA Metro
- Photo Courtesy Of LA Metro
Project Status
The forecasted substantial completion date for the project is March 2025.