A Technical Webinar Series
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have gained significant attention in recent years due to their wide-spread presence in the environment. Current treatment techniques involve removal methodologies that often lead to PFAS laden materials or PFAS concentrates. This gives rise to the need for treatment technologies capable of effectively degrading PFAS. The cost associated with degradation of PFAS using energy intensive technologies is very high, making them a less feasible alternative.
In this presentation we describe two main degradation methods of PFAS:
1) non-radical based pathway through conventional chemical oxidation. The target analyte used in this study was 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate. We also shed light on the potential degradation pathway with intermediate identification through advanced analytical techniques.
2) radical based degradation method, or advanced oxidation technologies for the degradation of carboxylic based PFAS such as PFNA and PFOA by using a combination of aqueous silver and persulfate. Additionally, we will also be showcasing some of the current internal research and development projects that are being conducted at the Parsons treatability lab.
Results/Lessons Learned
We successfully demonstrate degradation of several PFAS including fluorotelomers and the more oxidized PFAS such as PFOA and PFNA. The degradation of these compounds were carried out under ambient conditions without the use of an external energy source and serve as a critical point in the effort of finding viable solutions to tackle the contamination of PFAS. Attendance to this presentation has been approved for PDH credit.
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Join us on 5/12 for our next Technical Webinar! Teams connection information below.
Audio: +1 951-465-7634
Conference ID: 474 012 305#
Video link here.