The Wow Factor

The sky is cerulean blue, the temperature comfortably in the eighties, and you, your spouse, and your two children are walking up to the first post-COVID Qatar Family Day. It’s been more than three years since the last Qatar Family Day, so you’re not sure what to expect. Soon though, as you immerse yourself in the crowd of more than 1,400 Parsons Qatar staff and their families converging at the garden of the Grand Hyatt Doha, you can see that this event is far more extravagant than you could’ve imagined.
Your son, who’s sporting a Parsons shirt, like many of the other kids in attendance, is pointing to a falcon handler balancing the bird on his leather-clad forearm. There’s a small crowd of young children surrounding the man, their parents standing behind them, watching as their kids ask him questions. You can’t make out anything being said, though, because your daughter is tugging at your sleeve, demanding you watch the stilt artists waving at passersby and picking their way carefully through the crowd.

There’s upbeat music playing from somewhere in the distance, and as you scan for the stage, someone taps your shoulder. It’s a coworker you haven’t seen in years, and you’re both so overjoyed to be able to reconnect, you hug and catch each other up on your respective lives. You and your family slow down, stopping to talk to other colleagues and their children, gawk at the jugglers, and play a few games, eventually landing at the buffet, which, it turns out, was catered by the Hyatt’s award-winning executive chef. You opt for the Arabic-inspired cuisine, and your kids delight over their choices on the kids’ menu.

As the lovely day wanes and the kids grow tired, you and your family decide to take in the talent show, featuring performances by many of your fellow employees’ children. Two young girls walk onto stage and break into a traditional Indian dance. The audience is transfixed. Later, a ten-year-old girl sings “Baby Shark” a cappella, her younger brother backing up her performance with original dance moves. As you look around, you see a sea of smiling faces and applause.
Imagining Next
You’re smiling too, and, you realize you haven’t stopped smiling all day. Today is so much more than your typical office “family day” after all—and not just because of its scale and entertainment. Today is a memory in the making, one you and your children will share for the rest of their lives, and you find yourself feeling grateful and proud. Grateful because you work for a company that truly values its employees and the quality of their lives. And proud because you know days like today are exactly the reason why Parsons is an employer of choice.

People First

The “people first” pillar of Parsons’ corporate strategy is obviously so much more than a talking point—today is proof positive that Parsons cares deeply about the well-being of their employees and a prime example of our employee value proposition—Imagine Next—in action. Today is a sign of our progress and our commitment to evolution, shedding the skin of old ideas and practices as often as our employees do to remain ahead and provide the highest value to its employees and customers.
People are having so much fun that even though it’s getting dark, they’re reluctant to leave. But even good things must eventually come to a close, so you say your good-byes, make plans for future get-togethers that you’re already looking forward to, and steer your family toward the exit, just as the first few stars wink through the darkening sky.