While each of this year’s 40 winning photos were evaluated individually on their photographic merits by a panel of six judges, ENR’s senior art director Scott Hilling spotted a common theme that unites the winners. “As I reviewed all of them, something was standing out across many of the images, but I just couldn’t put my finger on directly what it was” says Hilling. “As I continued my review, it finally hit me. More so than in past years, these images show a similar beauty in their geometry, with symmetry, harmony, bold lines or shapes.” Each subject has been captured with an eye towards that visual appeal, such as “the shape of a bridge or pipe at a certain angle, the energy or force in a worker’s action, the angle of a shot or the direction of shadows, each frozen in an image that is visually stunning,” he adds. The judges assessed more than 1,000 entries to make this year’s selections.

Parsons Corporation was highlighted in slide number 26 for this year’s ENR’s “2022 Year In Construction”.