
Parsons Selected as Lead Designer for MDOT I-75 Segment 2 Rebuild

PASADENA, CA (August 6, 2018) – Parsons was recently selected as the lead designer for Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT’s) I-75 Segment 2 Design-Build project, a joint venture led by Walsh Construction and Toebe Construction. The project will add high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes and reconstruct existing freeway lanes on 8.5 miles of roadway in Oakland County. Segment 2 includes replacement/rehabilitation of 18 structures, drainage improvements, noise wall construction, traffic signal upgrades, and community-developed aesthetic improvements.

Parsons will provide design services for the modernization and expansion of I-75 as part of the project. The firm will also be responsible for design and integration of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) to enhance and expand MDOT’s existing capabilities for traffic incident detection and emergency response management, traveler information systems, queue detection, curve speed warning systems, and connected vehicle systems. The ITS will be integrated with the Southeast Michigan Transportation Operations Center’s MDOT statewide advanced transportation management system (ATMS) software.

“Our technical design will incorporate diverging diamond interchanges at 14 Mile Road and Big Beaver Road,” said Mike Johnson, Parsons Group President. “These innovative interchange types will improve mobility and maximize safety through this busy corridor.”

Construction will begin in fall 2018. The overall I-75 project will rebuild 18 miles of roadway between Eight Mile Road and South Boulevard in three phases and will create the first HOV lanes in Michigan.

Parsons is a digitally enabled solutions provider focused on the defense, security, and infrastructure markets. With nearly 75 years of experience, Parsons is uniquely qualified to deliver cyber/converged security, technology-based intellectual property, and other innovative services to federal, regional, and local government agencies, as well as to private industrial customers worldwide. For more about Parsons, visit parsons.com, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.


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