Parsons attendees at the Coalition for Integrity’s annual Integrity Awards Dinner
We’re excited to announce that the Coalition for Integrity has recognized our leadership-level contributions to corporate anticorruption compliance, transparency, business ethics and integrity, and corporate social responsibility with its 2017 Corporate Leadership Award. Past recipients of the award include Fortune 50 companies across several industries.
At Parsons, we promote our culture of integrity at all levels of the corporation through our Code of Conduct and through various training methods, including live training, videos, and easily accessed online documentation, as well as periodic ethics “challenges” or quizzes to keep ethics in the forefront of our daily activities because our employees understand and agree that integrity is everyone’s concern.
The Coalition for Integrity is a leader in global anti-corruption and transparency. It works with a broad network of individuals and organizations to combat corruption and promote integrity in the public and private sectors. Our award was presented at the organization’s annual Integrity Awards Dinner on November 29.
Senator John McCain (R-AZ) was also honored at the gala with the 2017 Integrity Award.