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Webinar | Application Of Methane Biofilters For Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

09-02-2024 @ 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm EDT


Join us on September 11, 2024 at 12:30 PM EST for a technical webinar regarding the Application of Methane Biofilters For Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Presentation Description

Concentrations of methane, a potent greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, are increasing at record rates. Although methane can be effectively biodegraded in soil and aqueous environments, anthropogenic activities have created localized methane sources and pathways that exceed or bypass natural biodegradation capacities. Low-cost and sustainable technologies are needed to mitigate these long-term sources of methane to the atmosphere including leaking oil and gas wells, landfill gas vents, natural gas collection and gathering infrastructure, coalbed methane, and other sources.


Methane biofiltration media composed of non-decomposable materials and nutritional supplements to sustain methane biodegradation were developed and tested at Parsons’ research and development laboratory. Using this media, a closed methane biofilter was designed and installed to biodegrade methane recovered from a gas gathering system in South Bend, Indiana. In Alberta, Canada, methane emissions and controlling factors have been evaluated at leaking well sites located in remote areas.

Results/Lessons Learned

The methane biofilter in South Bend is proving successful at effectively removing methane from the recovered landfill gas. Sensors are used to monitor the biofilter remotely. Results from leaking wells in Canada show that a significant portion of fugitive methane is degrading through aerobic biodegradation in the unsaturated zone. Controlling factors include seasonal climatological conditions and leak rates. Open methane biofilters are being installed at selected wells.


Glenn Ulrich, PHD – Glenn is a technical director specializing in contaminant fate and transport; technology development and application in the oil and gas industry; and sustainable remediation of contaminants and methane.

To Join The Webinar

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12:30 pm - 1:30 pm EDT
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